sigh, misunderstood again.
i love subtlety and how language can be so ambiguous. i'm not one to be so blatant or explicit, but it seems i need to be.
Ivan Leong et al, I hereby do solemly declare that NO, i am NOT attached or even thinking about it and i have no idea what on earth gave you that idea. This is also addressed to people who have let their over-active imagination run amok.
it's not said with any feeling or judgement, as though it were a good or bad thing. i'm just stating the facts, blase about it.
ok, now that that's been settled.
in other news, my brother got an ipod nano for his 15th birthday. everyone has an ipod nano!!! first manda, then riz, now my own brother. but i don't really want an ipod myself, i like to listen to my music with 100% concentration, not while i'm walking or in the bus. i like daydreaming and looking out the window in silence when i'm on the bus. i just think ipod penetration rates are incredibly high, given the anecdotal evidence.
and yes, the "light" version of anything will probably suck. there was a promotion at the petrol station for Magnum light, 2 for $3.90, so me and skin dog had one each. and well, it sucks. but my dog seems to like it. well, at least someone does.
clarification: skin dog is my brother darryl, my dog is my dog russ aka fluffbutt aka pookypoo aka minkywinks
i find clarifications and explanations tiresome! I'm not writing an academic essay here, i'm writing a blog! i should not need to explain myself to anyone.
thank you jian ming for the CD! yup, i like the U2 muchly, and i'm still checking the aimee mann albums out, but so far so good =) nice seeing you at FT today!
two years into my science degree and i still keep getting mistaken for an arts student, even by my USP science advanced course-based module classmates. (like hello, why would i be taking such icky modules if i were an arts student? for fun?) then there's Chels who is convinced that i would be good at either lit or philo, and Clem who thinks i should do lit. sometimes, when my core module grades are so mediocre, i think i'm in the wrong fac too.
ah well. back to studying for thai oral exam tmr and metab test on thursday... but sometimes my left eye feels like its going to pop out! i keep having to take off my specs and press my eye to reassure myself that its going to stay there. kinda reminds me of the Corpse Bride. Life does feel a little Burton-esque right now.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
tapioca. sweet and mushy or crispy and bland. depending on how you cook me.
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- Name: beckyboo
- Location: Singapore
i am extraordinary, if you ever get to know me, i am extraordinary, i am just your ordinary average everyday sane psycho supergoddess
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Ivan scores zero on discreteness and tact no?
But I guess our 'over-active imagination' wldn't run that amok if we didn't have to resort to blog reading to decipher what's going on in your life.
The irony of not connecting enough with my co-CGL, and we're both guilty of perpetuating it!
i think you assume too much...
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